Bible Correspondant Course
Through our Bible Correspondence Course, the ordinary people come to know about the Love of Jesus Christ. These courses are sent to all people whoever ask of it. A silent revival is taking place through these courses. These Course Books reach the people who live in the remote places where the gospel has not been preached so far. Even people who do not want to come out in open to profess Christianity out of social restrictions have evince much interest to know about Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. The major advantage of this programme is that the Gospel reaches at their door steps breaking the social, cultural and political barriers. The courses are presently conducted in Tamil, English and Hindi languages. People learn about Christ through the course book ‘New Life for you’. We award the certificates to the successful candidates.
ECHO of HIS Call wishes to start this ministry in other languages such as Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Oriya, Gujarathi, Marathi, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese and Punjabi. But due to the lack of adequate resources we are not able to venture into greatly. We are seeking the grace of God in this process and we wish to urge godly people to espouse this cause and to help disseminate God’s love in people’s languages. We need funds for the expansion of this ministry.
Further we conduct Group Bible Studies in villages through our MISSION CENTRES and teach the love of Christ by using the course book ‘New Life – For you!’ We wish to teach communication skills and life skills in addition to teaching the Gospel and after the completion of the course, we award Certificates to the successful candidates. Thus this small beginning is used for the opening of Prayer Cells and House Churches which eventually becomes a place for the dissemination of the gospel and discipling of the believers.
Thousands have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and added into churches. Every month thousands of students are actively taking part in the course and witnessing the love of Lord Jesus Christ. Thus what we experience in and through this ministry is an open door for the entry of the Gospel but due to the paucity of resources we are not able to materialize all our wishes for the Lord into action. We are receiving hundreds of letters from various parts of the country asking for Bible Courses. We are not able to cater to the people for administering the correspondence courses for want of funds. Rev. Alex Samson Sam is taking care of this ministry in the capacity of Executive Director with the association of the Chairman, Bro. M. Paulraj.
India is in the plan of God and the Lord graciously sent his Apostle Thomas into this land. In spite of the great missionary efforts, the Gospel has not reached many parts of the world. The Body of Christ requires committed and sincere task force to carry out the mantle of the Great Commission of the Lord. Bible College was thus birthed in 1992 to serve this particular objective. The college functions with the following vision:
Imparting Biblical Knowledge
Developing Spiritual Character
Improving Ministerial Skills.
Biblically grounded and theologically sound teachings are taught to the students. We give them class room teachings, field trainings and create administrative skills. Eminent and qualified lecturers teach the subjects both exhibiting theological scholarship and practical experience are teaching in our Bible Colleges. The students are adequately trained in the Echo of His Call Churches in all aspects of ministry such as leading services, conducting prayer cells, administering pastoral care and counseling and other administrative responsibilities. The young boys and girls are trained adequately so that they will be able to realize the God given call and vision for their lives and ministry. These Bible Colleges are governed and monitored by a separate council of Theologians under a Chairman and Principal. Our Colleges are affiliated to the Hindustan Bible Institute and College, Chennai which is one of the prominent Bible Colleges in India.
We train native young men and women by admitting them in our Bible Colleges and equip them to preach the Word of God and send them to the unreached areas. Nehemiah Bible Colleges functions for the sole purpose of training committed people to serve in the vineyard of the Lord for the effective service of the body of Christ. Echo of His Call Ministries supports the budding Pastors in their ministerial endeavors and provides necessary resources and prayer till they are able to stand on their own in administering the kingdom cause. Thereby Echo of His Call Ministries shoulders many people to stay focused and committed in their ministerial calling and life.
We have two Bible Colleges viz., Residential Bible College and Evening Bible College and by the grace of God around 1200 students have been graduated and trained by our Bible Colleges and sent to the mission field. God is doing a mighty work in and through the labour of the Pastors and Leaders trained by us in the different parts of the country and in the nations beyond.
Many of our readers have insisted us to start a Theological Course by correspondence. God has opened the way. We conduct this course in Tamil and English through our Nehemiah Bible Colleges. We plan to start in Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam. This course consists of the following 7 subjects. The following courses are meant for the lay persons who are adequately affiliated in a church and where he / she can be trained practically and should be in a position to execute his / her learning into action. The subjects of the course are furnished below :
We send our Course Books one by one after the receipt of the answer sheets and Subject Report. The filled-in answer sheets for each course book need to have a Subject Report about the lesson that the student learnt through the book in their own words not less than 5 pages (A4 size). After completion of 7 books, the students are instructed to submit their Ministry Report about their present ministerial works and ministerial plans for their future in not less than 5 pages. Marks are given for the Ministry Report also. After completion of these reports, each student will be awarded with a Consolidated Mark Sheet and a Certificate. Later on the students are given Seminar type teachings and practical trainings.
1. Old Testament I
2. Old Testament II
3. Old Testament III
4. Old Testament IV
5. New Testament I
6. New Testament II
7. Building up a Growing Church
We conduct Community Development Services through our main church for sharing the love of Jesus Christ to common people. Community Development Services are rendered by conducting medical camps, AIDS Awareness Programmes, and supplying of food, clothes, educational aids to the poor children. Emergency helps are rendered to the affected people during the time of natural calamities with the association of other non-governmental organizations. The love of the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in action to all people irrespective of caste, creed or religion. The name of the Lord Jesus Christ is magnified by these services.
Gospel Crusades
We conduct Gospel Crusades in cluster of villages, towns and cities through our Main Church. Thousands of people attend the crusades and get the touch of God in their soul, spirit and body and glorify God. After the crusades, follow up ministry is taken up. God has performed numerous miracles through our Gospel Crusades. God is confirming His Word by signs and wonders in our meetings as in the days of the early Apostles.
Field Training Programmes
We take our Bible College students and junior pastors to different places like villages, hills as well as tribal areas and demonstrate them how to preach the gospel and conduct medical camps, seminars on social issues. We also make them good citizens by counseling them to leave bad habits.
Great Commission Partners.
We have a network of Pastors and Missionaries all over India, under the name Great Commission Partners. They are working for God in different areas. They also introduce our Bible Correspondence Courses and Bible Colleges in their respective areas. Most of these Missionary Pastors are the products of Bible Colleges. God is using these precious men and women very effectively.
Send your Prayer Requests To Us
A large number of people are suffering from various problems of life. We render 24 hour prayer which helps spiritual counselling to the needy people who approach us in person or through telephone, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. We receive numerous phone calls every day from people suffering from the spirit of oppression, depression and suicide. We pray and encourage them by sharing the life changing power of JESUS CHRIST. We also give personal counselling and biblical methods of solving their problems. By this way they are able to enjoy the real peace and happiness of God.
Printing Press
We have our Gospel Printing Press for promoting Gospel through literature. God has provided an Offset Printing Machine which is very useful to get quality and multi-colour gospel tracts, gospel booklets, spiritual books, Christian magazines etc. in most of the languages used in India and the neighouring countries.
The printed gospel literature are distributed to houses, market places, schools, colleges, hospitals, jails etc. through our workers and ministers and dispatched to other remote places by various means. Millions of people receive gospel literature free in their own languages at their door steps and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour and God.
The printing press exists for the glory of God and for the services of the body of Christ and never intended for any commercial and secular work. We want to collaborate with other Christian organizations to further the gospel by having their literatures printed in our presses. The income generated thus would augment the cause of the Echo of His Call Ministries and of the furtherance of the Gospel.
Social Services
We conduct camps and training programmes to bring social awareness to the tribal and socially backward people. We give free medical help. Further we impart the importance of cleanliness, hygiene and health.
Visiting mentally retarded, home for the aged, orphanages and paying school fees to the poor children and bringing them up in life. We also supply clothes, food, writing materials etc. to the poor, living in slums and encourage them to come up in life.
House Churches
We have hundreds of House Churches through out India, Mainly in the Tribal areas.
Area Mission Centers
In order to co-ordinate with us in carrying out our various activities amoung the different language speaking people and to supervise our workers, We have established a net-work of Area Mission Centers under Our Associates.
Church Planting
We have a Church with about 750 converts who hail from Hindu and Muslim background. We have several branch Churches also.